Is 100% of your church membership professionally trained to reach the lost?
How many people in your church are actively doing evangelism throughout the week?
Is evangelism in your church an event or a lifestyle?
How many people in your community know about your church?
How many more souls would be added to your church if even 50% of your congregation would look for evangelism opportunities every day?
For more than ten years now, Kent Sandine has traveled the world working with a myriad of churches on harvesting, discipleship, and evangelism. This work has ranged from mega churches to churches that have just started out.
His techniques are Biblically based. They are centrally focused on discipleship, not just the born again process.
No where in the Bible does say to “go win souls.” However, Jesus did say to ‘go make disciples’! (Matt 29:19 NIV)
Winning souls is easy, but discipling them, teaching them and working with them is hard work! Many people do not teach Bible Studies because they do not know how. That is why I also specialize in teaching churches how to do Bible Study adequately!
For more than ten years now, Kent Sandine has traveled the world working with a myriad of churches on harvesting, discipleship, and evangelism. This work has ranged from mega churches to churches that have just started out.
His techniques are Biblically based. They are centrally focused on discipleship, not just the born again process.
In 2008 to 2010, he was working with churches on organizing big community events. They all included giveaways, and handing out food. He witnessed many people being born again! However; he then realized 3 things:
People that come for incentives or handouts usually do not have a high retention rate, as they were coming for free hand outs.
The guests that had high retention rates were already looking for a church, or wanting to know more about the Bible.
Many saints don't do outreach if they don’t have a special event planned to invite others for.
So, God gave him a harvesting method to teach people that they can use during their everyday walk of life. He has utilized this for the past eight years! This method can be done at the supermarket, gas station, job, or anywhere one might feel a soul is in need. Most importantly this method is NOT for a special service and does NOT involve free hand-outs, so it can be used DAILY after I move on to the next church!
Kent Sandine: 219-678-5368
P. O. Box 11
Portage, In 46368