Kent Sandine
UPCI Full Time Licensed Evangelist
For more than ten years now, Kent Sandine has traveled the world working with a myriad of churches on harvesting, discipleship, and evangelism. This work has ranged from mega churches to churches that have just started out.
His techniques are Biblically based. They are centrally focused on discipleship, not just the born again process.
In 2008 to 2010, he was working with churches on organizing big community events. They all included giveaways, and handing out food. He witnessed many people being born again! However; he then realized 3 things:
People that come for incentives or handouts usually do not have a high retention rate, as they were coming for free hand outs.
The guests that had high retention rates were already looking for a church, or wanting to know more about the Bible.
Many saints don't do outreach if they don’t have a special event planned to invite others for.
So, God gave him a harvesting method to teach people that they can use during their everyday walk of life. He has utilized this for the past eight years! This method can be done at the supermarket, gas station, job, or anywhere one might feel a soul is in need. Most importantly this method is NOT for a special service and does NOT involve free hand-outs, so it can be used DAILY after I move on to the next church!
This method implements 3 major ways to make Disciples:
Getting the prospect connected to a local church.
Getting the prospect involved in a Home Bible Study.
Salvation right on the spot by praying them through to the Holy Ghost or baptism on the street.
(These methods are optional and are based on the goal the pastor has for his church.)
Upon pre-planning with the pastor of any church he is about to attend, for the teachings of these methods, he usually comes in a week prior to getting started. In that time he will evangelize, and teach on spiritual warfare, and have prayer. If the church is already a prayerful church, then he encourages the church to have unified prayer for at least a week prior to his arrival, to plow the field for harvest. “Except the Lord builds the house they labor in vain that build it.” Psalms 127:1.
Kent has many specialties in the aspect of soul winning, which include:
How to Evangelize / make Disciples in your everyday walk of life
How to overcome fear of rejection as a Disciple Maker
How to win your friends and family
How to teach a Home Bible Study
How to organize a large community event
Spiritual warfare attack training
Impressions of a first time guest
Altar working
In summary, Kent has a special gift and anointing from God. His gifts he shares with others to help churches grow. He utilizes different biblical principles, and focuses on duplicating the process into those that go to outreach with him on the streets. He is constantly teaching and mentoring those that observe him in action. He demonstrates how easy it is to find people that are not only interested in coming to church, but also attending a Home Bible Study. He understands that the ultimate goal of each church should not only be how many souls experience the 'Born Again process. He wants to leave them with the understanding of the simplified process of how to make Disciples. That way the members can continue to do so after he leaves!
Are you are interested in your entire congregation being taught, equipped, and empowered to forever change your world and church one soul at a time with Disciple Making teaching, preaching, and hands-on demonstration? If so, then please contact Kent Sandine and let him know how he can serve you!
His pastor is Pastor Brian Lane in New Whiteland, Indiana. He is fully accountable to him. References available upon request.